How to obtain visa to travel to Nepal?
You can obtain “VISA” to Nepal through embassy or other diplomatic mission to your country. You can also obtain visa at entry points to Nepal, or at the airport in the immigration.

How do I get in Nepal?

There are two ways to getting in Nepal. One way to getting Nepal by flights and other way is overland routes to Nepal. By Flights to Nepal: Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu is the only international airport in Nepal. TIA has direct air link with different countries around the world. Overland routes to Nepal: Nepal is bordering with India and Tibet/China.  Land border from India to Nepal are Sonauli/Belahiya near Bhairahawa, Raxaul/ Birgunj, Nepalgunj, Mahendranagar, and Kakarvitta. The Sonauli/ Belahiya near Bhairhawa is most used entry from India. Buses connects from Bhairahawa to Kathmandu and Pokhara. A long journey by local transport links Nepal to Delhi. Kathmandu is also links to Lhasa Tibet Kerung.

What things we can do in Nepal?

Nepal is the best destination for adventure activities. As it home to eight highest mountain in the world, Nepal is known for a fabulous destination for trekking and Mountaineering (peak climbin). Beside trekking & peck climbing you can do other adventure activities such as; mountain biking, motor biking, river rafting/Kyaking, rock climbing, cultural tours, bird watching, fishing, wildlife tours & treks.

What is trekking?

Trekking is one the most popular activities in the Himalayan country of Nepal. Trekking in Nepal involves short couple of days (Lodge/tea house trek) to month long expedition style treks. In during trekking holidays in Nepal one may hike 4-9 hours per day. There are variety of trails from easy walking at lower elevations to the strenuous hiking at over 5000 meter in Himalayas.  It’s not only the stunning landscapes on the trail that hypnotize the trekkers but also the people from different ethnic groups whom they meet on the way – a rare opportunity to experience Nepal’s rich cultural diversity.

Camping Trek: Expeditions style treks supply all camping equipment:  two-man tents, mattresses, tables, chairs, dining and toilet tents, all cooking and eating utensils. Each group is accompanied by a guide, assistant guides, cook, cook’s assistants and porters/mules.

Typical days in Trek: The day normally starts at 6 A.M. with a cup of tea brought to your tent and a bowl of warm wash water. Next you have to pack your kit bag and then breakfast is served. While you are eating your breakfast, the staff strikes camp and moves out. After three or four hours walking we will stop for lunch. This is usually a light cooked meal followed by a rest during the hottest part of the day. You will walk two to three hours after lunch and tea and biscuits will be waiting for you on arrival at camp. Our staff will soon erect the tents. Shortly after sunset a hot, three course dinner is served. The food supplied is the best available and is a mixture of Nepalese and western food. Some tinned food is provided but the staples are rice, noodles, potatoes, fresh vegetables, cheese and eggs.

Lodge/teahouse Trek: Lodge treks, which are also known as tea house treks, accommodate a small group of people plus one or two guides and the porters they hire to carry your personal gear. The guide pays your food and lodging throughout the trek. You will stay at small tea shops or guest houses, which provide all the basic needs. Some lodges have a long menu, bottled drinking water, a hot shower, and an attached bathroom. Some are just primitive huts with a communal sleeping room and only Dal Bhat on the menu.

How fit do I need to be?

You don't have to be a mountaineer or athletic to come to Nepal. As long as you are in average physical shape or reasonably fit and have positive attitude, self-confidence and strong determination, can achieve goal of trekking in Himalaya. If you are planning a trek longer than a week that involves going to high altitude, exercising and jogging or climbing stairs regularly before come to Nepal definitely be rewarded.

When is the best time to trek?

The monsoon usually finishes at the end of September, so the ideal time for trekking is from the beginning of October through to the end May. In late May the temperature and humidity start to rise as the monsoon approaches and the hiking can get uncomfortably wet, warm, and humid.
Many of the high mountains are in the rain shadow and this is a very good time for trekking in the areas of Dolpo, Mustang, Nar Phu Valley and Simikot-Kailash. This is when cattle and yaks are taken to the high pastures. For those who have a special interest, such as botany, the monsoon season can bring its’ own reward.

What will the weather be like?

It is hard to predict the weather conditions in Himalayas. Generally the days are warm and nights are cool or quite cold depending on altitude. There can be a snow or rain storms at any time so you most prepared. Between 1000 and 3500 meters the temperature could be as high as 29C to -5C low depending on season. At higher altitude, the temperature ranges from 20C to -15C.